welcome to moonie.

Moonie token
2 min readApr 25, 2021

This is Moonie G.

We believe crypto can be so much more, and Moonie G is the symbol of everything we believe in with $Moonie. Our journies to space are a symbol of what we can achieve when we are at our best. If we all work together to get so far, we can do a kind of philanthropy those on earth can’t even imagine. We let this be our guiding principle in designing our tokenomics.

Join us at moonie.cc and fly safe to the moon!

What is moonie ?

moonie is a community token for trading between fellow moonshot degens, while doing a little bit of good every time. Let’s all ape in and take moonie to the moon with us! Built by apes, for the apes.

Tokenomics ? Much Moo, So $$

Passive farming.
Token details will be released on social media channels, and our upcoming whitepaper will explain how we intend to take the future out of our hands and into yours.

Picking up moonie:

  1. Download metamask from Metamask.io or your app store on your mobile device
  2. Set up Binance Smart Chain(step by step instructions at the bottom of this post)
  3. Send your address some BNB
  4. In your browser, navigate to the pancakeswap moonie page at https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1d5bf045d1651a411138fe7da5fc5e023f26cb70
  5. Enter the amount of BNB you want to swap for Moo, setting slippage to 11% and slowly increasing if necessary
  6. Confirm the transaction
  7. Add the moo contract address to your custom tokens(0x1d5bf045d1651a411138fe7da5fc5e023f26cb70 and you’re set!

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Adding Binance Smart Chain To Metamask

On desktop:

Go to Metamask>Settings

Networks > add network > fill out as follows

Network Name: Smart Chain
New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com

On smart device:

Options>Settings>Networks>Add Network

You don't need a magic carpet to fly. No rug pulls, no central ownership changing the game later, just solid tokenomics and a little bit of social good every transaction. Buckle up, fellow Cosmoonauts, Moonie G is waiting...

